Programs and Schemes in the Department
Janani Suraksha Yojna –
By providing institutional delivery, pregnant women and children can be protected from possible risk (blood loss, blood discharge, infection, high blood pressure, high sugar, shock etc.).
On institutional delivery Rs. 1400 / – for women in rural areas 1000 / – for women in urban areas Mitanin encourages 300 / – With the help of Mitanin, 300 / – Home delivery 500 / – (BPL only)
Immunization –
Due to the decrease of disease resistant capacity in children up to 0-5 years, immunization at time is severely protected from 5 fatalities.
- Polio Drop / Injection – Polio Deformity.
- BCG – T.B. Defend.
- Hepatitis 0 Dosage – Protection from jaundice.
- Pentavalent injection (new) – pneumonia.
- Measles – defenses measles.
Janani Shishu Surksha Karyakram-
Within 48 hours, the mother is at the highest risk of bleeding and most deaths are due to bleeding and jerk. Death can be saved by providing blood transfusion and other facilities while in hospital.
Free check-in, free childcare facilities, free meals, free medicines and free transport (carrying 102 from home)
Family Planning Operation-
- Mother’s nutritional status weakens when birth interval decreases between more than two births / two children.
- The economic and social status of the family is weak due to family growth.
- The possibility of malnutrition and anemia in children along with mother as well as weakness in financial condition. There is a possibility of death from anemia.
Incentives Women
sterilization 1400 / – Male sterilization in 2000 / – Motivational Vasectomy 300 / Female 200 / – Other facilities free Oral pills, condoms, iucd.
Revised National TB Program
Symptoms: – Continuous cough, fever, weight loss for 14 days.
Danger: – 1. Can affect any age. 2. There is a spreading disease. 3. T.B. Due to decreasing resistance to disease, there is a risk of infection from other diseases, especially with AIDS.
- Free treatment of the disease from time to time checkup
- Other members of the family can be saved from spreading
National Vector Born Disease program-
Symptom: – 1. May be in any season. 2. Fever with cold.
Danger: 1. Spreads from filthy drains / water accumulation. 2. With no treatment for seven days, liver kidney failure can cause death.
Blood inspection facility is available at the sub-health center level.
National Leprosy Eradication Program
Symptoms: – White stains and numbness on the skin
Danger: – Time can not affect others if there is no treatment.
- Do not take time to treat and spread by taking 4 doses.
- For six months continuous recovery from medicines.
National Blindness Control Program
Symptom: – Reduce the ability to see, white stains appear in cornea: –
If you do not get treatment at the time, permanent stops appearing.
- Facility to check in primary health center.
- In the district hospital, they are benefited from the free light cataract by removing free cataracts.
Chirayu Yojna –
Health check up of 18 year old boys / girls registered in Government and Primary / Secondary / Higher Secondary and Residential Schools studied in children / girls and Anganwadi centers.
Prior to their health examination, necessary medicines are distributed to them and if they have serious illness, they are provided free medical treatment in the government hospital or private hospital.
National Health Insurance Scheme –
For every family, the annual premium of 30 / year is borne by the donation cost of Rs.50,000 / – per year for any treatment from any clinic recognized under the scheme.
Facilitation of Cashless Treatment in Government and Registered Private Hospitals.
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