Programs and Schemes in the Department
Success Stories
Prayas Residencial School run by Tribal Welfare Deptt. Bilaspur; with 161 other hostels and ashrams in the district, has resulted 181 students getting through Different Entrance Exams in short span of 02 years. Following Students from weaker sections of society now receiving professional education in the prestigious college & universities:-
- Ku. Bhavna Bhoyar, Nit, B.K.M.S.,JAGDALPUR- M.B.B.S.
- Ku.Anjli Nreti, B.K.M.M.C. JAGDALPUR- M.B.B.S.
- Ku. Premlata Paikra, govt.Medical College- M.B.B.S.
- Yogesh singh, I.I.T. HYDRABAD COMPUTER SCIENCE J.E.E. Advance (Computer Science)
- Shyam Dev Singh, Govt.Eng.College Raipur mining J.E.E.MENS
- Ku. Aalochna, Govt.Aaurvedik Medical College Bilaspur- B.A.M.S.
- Ku. Anjani Koushik, CIMS Bilaspur- B.S,C.Nursing
- Ku. Karunanidhi Ghbagat, I.I.T.T. New Raipur Computer science
- Deepak kumar Paikra, I.I.I.T.New Raipur Computer science

Baiga Hitgrahi
Having been drilled 03 shallow wells/ tube wells with Installed Electric Submersible Pumps funded under Special Central Assistance (SCA) 2005-06 (Each 75,000 Rs.) in Block Gourella Distt. Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh; Following Baiga Tribes, being supplied with adequate amount of water onto their land, commenced growing various vegetables and earning more than they used to. Shri Deepchand S/o Shri Prem Lal Baiga, Shri Mandal Singh S/o Shri Ram Sanehi, Shri Sarman Singh S/o Shri Budhram Baiga Village Chukatipani Block Gourella Distt. Bilaspur Chhattisgarh are small farmers. Prior to the benefit received under SCA 2005-06, Vegetables were used to be grown using indigenous methods and earned around 15k to 20k a month by these farmers. With the same earning the Baiga Tribe Family failed to meet their financial necessities including his off-springs’ educational needs. With the certainty of adequate supply of water to the land/farm, all the three Baiga Tribes started growing various kinds of vegetables with the technical consultation of Horticulture Deptt., GoCG. The tribal farmers were given technical assistance time to time, their farm land were fenced with barbed wire and supplied HYV Vegetable seeds. Recommendations by Horticulture Deptt., GoCG, the trio tribal farmers have commenced yielding variety of vegetables such as tomato, lady finger, chills etc. and it has also increased their income to around 25k-30k a month; resulting more economic prosperity and support to their off-springs’ educational needs. This success story of the trio tribal farmers is spreading in vicinity of villages and among the tribal groups that makes more farmers interested to adopt the same pattern of agriculture.
My Clean Hostel Mission

My Clean Hostel
Mission My Hostel Clean, an initiative to make hostels and ashrams a home for better academic ambience. It was initiated in 2017-18 two phased Mission in Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh State. In the first phase, Hostel-Ashram Premises was set target to be made clean, weeding out in the garden and vicinity of the campus and drained water being diverted to kitchen garden area. All these was successfully accomplished with the co-operation and co-ordination among Hostel/Ashram Superintendents, Sub-ordinates and Hostel Students from 23 Nov’17 to 26 Nov’17. On the successfully completion of the first phase, the Second phase was rolled out to be more of constructive theme and notion domaining 27 Nov’17 to 30 Nov’17. In latter phase, Students made to go on jogging, do yoga & exercise bringing more attention and physical fitness. Moresoever, Variety of Vegetables now being grown in the kitchen garden making the campus more greenish and lavish to stay and study. In addition to these, ‘Kabaad se Jugad Idea’ made the latter phase more attractive as it made usage of old oil tin cans to dustbins, torn mosquitoe nets to Window Covering Nets and Broken table-chairs converted to Shoes stands and flower plants protecting cage. This idea not only cleaned the campus but also injected constructive measures into Hostel Students.
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