
Municipal Corporation

Programs and Schemes in the Department

Bhagirathi Nal-Jal Yojana

  1. Fixed application form under Bhagirathi scheme.
  2. Applicant / applicant’s passport size photo.
  3. Photocopy of ration card under poverty line.
  4. Photocopy of Aadhar card.

Social Security Pension

Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension

  1. Voter identity card.
  2. Aadhar card.
  3. Certified photocopy of survey list number of poverty line 2007 & 08.
  4. Two passport size photographs.
  5. Local residence certificate was issued by the councilor.
  6. Bank account number and ifsc-code.
  7. Photocopy of Ration Card attached.

Social Security Pension

  1. According to the provision of the Disabled Person Act 1995, 40 percent or more disability certificate of medical certificate by the District Medical Board.
  2. Voter identity card.
  3. Aadhar card.
  4. Certified photocopy of survey list number of poverty line 2007 – 08.
  5. Two passport size photographs.
  6. Local residence certificate was issued by the councilor.
  7. Bank account number and ifs-code.
  8. Photocopy of Ration Card attached.
  9. Proof of going to school for disabled students of 6 – 14 age group issued by Principal / Head Teacher of the concerned school.
  10. Certificate for Dwarf issued by authorized doctor.

Sukhad Sahara Pension Scheme

  1. Certificate of Leave by Husband (Exemption) Certified by Ward Councilor.
  2. Voter identity card.
  3. Aadhar card.
  4. Certified photocopy of survey list number of poverty line 2007 – 08.
  5. Two passport size photographs.
  6. Local residence certificate was issued by the councilor.
  7. Bank account number and ifsc-code.
  8. Photocopy of Ration Card attached.

Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension

  1. Death certificate of husband.
  2. Voter identity card.
  3. Aadhar card.
  4. Certified photocopy of survey list number of poverty line 2007 – 08.
  5. Two passport size photographs.
  6. Local residence certificate was issued by the councilor.
  7. Bank account number and ifsc-code.
  8. Photocopy of Ration Card attached.

Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension

  1. Disability certificate.
  2. Voter identity card.
  3. aadhar card.
  4. Certified photocopy of survey list number of poverty line 2007 – 08.
  5. Two passport size photographs.
  6. Local residence certificate issued by councilor.
  7. Bank account number and ifsc-code.

National family support

  1. Survey list certified photocopy of 2007 – 08 family living below the poverty line.
  2. Photo of applicant / applicant’s passport size.
  3. Aadhar card.
  4. Death certificate and age certificate of deceased.
  5. In all cases of accidental death, the order is made under Section 174 of the Code of Penal code and it will have to be attached to the record report.
  6. Bank account number and ifsc-code.
  7. Photocopy of Ration Card attached.

Sharadhanjli scheme

  1. Financial Assistance is given by the Mayor / Chief Executive Officer / Alderman / councilor.

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